Friday, July 9, 2010

Heartful Art Studio Moves Indoors for the Florida Summer

Florida is hot in the summer. Reading my friends' facebook pages, I'm gathering it's hot all over the country these days.

I realized today that, because of the heat, I wasn't getting to paint as much as I like because my studio was set up outside in the lanai. By 9am on any given day, the heat and humidity maxed me out. Today I was inspired to create a solution. I carved out a 5' x 6' space in a corner of my bedroom, laid down some indoor/outdoor carpet to protect the floor tile, and created an indoor studio.

I'm excited about my new space. I have so many new galleries and shops around the country wanting original art (woo-hoo!) that I have a lot of creating to do. Now I have a more comfortable place to create.

I'll probably move back outside in the fall and winter months because I love painting outside when it's lovely weather. Hey, maybe I'll create Studio 2 and have both. Sounds like fun to me.

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