Saturday, March 29, 2008

Raphaella's art on CafePress products

I discovered CafePress yesterday and immediately started building a storefront called "Raphaella's Heartful Art". I have only uploaded one image so far: Heart for Life which is available on note cards and on a canvas tote bag. What fun!!! I've had many requests for greeting cards of my posters, so if you have a favorite one you'd like to purchase, shoot me an e-mail telling me what product you'd like that poster on and I will upload the image for you on the products of your choice. At least I think that's how this might work. As usual, I'm making one choice at a time.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Hay House Radio

Have you listened to Hay House Radio? I tuned in last week at the start of The Mary and Heather Show, and heard them say "Today is Shameless Plug Friday so if you have a business you'd like us to applaud, give us a call." I immediately dialed into the show and shared Heartful Art on air with their many listeners. After my "shameless plug" I listened to the rest of the show and discovered more of what they're up to with MomsTown: helping entrepreneurial moms make money. Check it out if you're a mom with a business. And listen in to Hay House radio for more great shows by all the Hay House authors like Wayne Dyer, Debbie Ford, Louise Hay, Denise Linn, Cheryl Richardson, Doreen Virtue, Esther & Jerry Hicks plus much, much more. Podcasts, live shows, links, conferences. They have just about everything you could want to inspire you and spark ideas for self awareness, positive life change and encouragement. I'm making it a part of my day.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Heartful Art's Wedding Quotes featured in New Age Retailer magazine

Spring is on the way. If you now a bride who is busy planning her wedding, you may be interested in the many blessings we have available online. Also, we have a page where many options are listed for gifts, wedding favors and custom orders. Click here to check it out.