Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Oprah's Post-Election Gift of Song "We Need Each Other Right Now"

It was fun to watch Oprah's Post-Election Special Show today after Obama's historic Presidential win. Here's a song she gave us all to share with our friends: BeBe Winans and Friends singing, "We Need Each Other Right Now". It will be available on itunes tomorrow. Enjoy!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Itty Bitty Titty Committee

Amazing indie film about feminist activists, directed by Jamie Babbit. I LOVED IT!!! Get it from Netflix. Here's a pic of the zine from the film, which could have been a page from my old zine, Women Voices, which I published while living in LA in the mid-90's along with Revenge T-shirts and End Violence Against Women greeting cards. The whole movie was a hoot - and a page from my life in West Hollywood. Click here to buy your own copy of Itty Bitty Titty Committee.